Andrews House
In 1610 Beckley and Andrew Field were
owned by William Porter of Shield Row
and in 1618 he had a house at Andrew
Field, with gardens and a pasture
close, at which date he gave the house
to his son-in-law Nicholas Blakiston
part payment of a £400 debt. His
daughter Jane, wife of Nicholas, was
buried at Tanfield in 1624.
It is tempting to link Andrew Field
with Thomas Andrew, Yeo-man, who in
1598 was granted a messuage called
Newhouse near Park Head by Henry
Jackman esq. of London. Newhouse was
then granted to William Clavering of
Gateshead in 1627 by William Andrew of
Newcastle. It seems this came to be
known as North Causey. By the
of the 18th century the Claverings
owned North Causey, part of Middle
Causey with Cadger Bog (south east of
Causey Hall), Andrews House, Beckley,
Barcus Close, and Crook Bank.
In February 1726 an agreement was made
between (1) Sir Francis Clavering of
the Whitehouse near Winlaton, the
lessor, and (2) the Grand Allies
partnership, the lessees. The lessor
grants liberty to the lessees to work
the coal seams in his estates at
Beckley, Andrews House, and Byermoor.
Also way-leave over the land, to make
wagonways not more than 15yds wide,
except where they have to cross denes
or hollows. Also to erect buildings
Collieries and workmens houses, to cut
water courses, obtain stone and gravel
in pursuance of winning coals. Term to
last 11yrs £500 to be paid in equal
portions on May day (the feast of St
Philip and St Jacob), Lammas day 1st
August, Martinmas day 11th November,
and Candlemas day 2nd February.
Also for the first 2yrs to pay £3,000
for the right to work 2,000 tens of
coals annually (a ten being 22 wagons,
a wagon carrying 19 bolls, and a boll
consisting of 36 gallons Win-chester
measure, ie. a Ten was measured by
volume). After the first 2yrs the
annual rent will be £2,250 to work
1,500 tens of coal. This is for
and Andrews House while at Byermoor
there is an annual rental of £150 to
paid on May day to work and carry away
300 tens of coals. The money due is to
be paid either at the Whitehouse or at
the house of Sir Francis' agent, Ralph
Featherstone, in Newcastle.
The lessees had the right to make up
short working during the term. Sir
Francis or his agent was to have
to the Staithman and Overmans books of
presentments and leadings so as to
check the amount of coal worked and
away, and the measurements of wains
wagons. Sir Francis could send a
down the pit to check that it was
worked in "a proper manner".
The Claverings had already been mining
at Beckley before the allies took over
but on a much smaller scale of what
to follow during the next 30yrs. The
water pumping engines draining the
Beckley mines were at Bob Gins.
Anthony Leaton, the agent at Gibside,
John Barnes, Colliery Viewer, and
Joseph Laybourn inspected the Beckley
mines and pumping engines in November
1726 on behalf of the Grand Allies.
Sir James Clavering
In 1738 Beckley and Andrews House
Collieries belonged to Sir James
Clavering (pictured above) of
Greencroft and both Collieries were
working the Hutton seam. At Beckley
this seam had already been extensively
wrought, so much so that the only
considerable reserves left were the
pillars standing in the Plain, North
and Delight pits. The boundary barrier
between these Collieries and Mr Bowes
Northbanks Colliery had been broke in
quite a few places, which resulted in
a water course running from Northbanks
down toward Bobgins. This made part of
the Hutton seam in Andrews House
Colliery more difficult to work. The
four acres of ground next to the Bob
Gins House was untouched in 1738. The
drift in the outsett between Beckley
North pit and Andrews House was found
to be badly timbered when inspected by
Nicholas Walton, Amos Barnes, and
William Daglish, Colliery Viewers for
the Grand Allies. At Andrews House
they advised more wailers to remove
the stone from the hewed coal at the
coal face so as to produce good round
clean coals, (the Hutton seam had a
band of stone in it).
Andrews House formed part of the
western partnership land covering some
3,342 acres over which the Grand
Allies held sway in the mining of coal
and its conveyance to the shipping
staithes. The area covered from
Crookgate to Hedley, Pockerley,
Shieldrow and Tanfield Lea. A map of
1739 "A View of the Western
Partnership Land and Collieries) (NRO
3410 WAT/31/10) marks the George,
Plain, Delight, and Dyke (Hedge) pits
near Low Barcus Close, the Prosperous,
Venture, Broom, Thistle, Hopewell, and
North pits at Beckley, the Edge pit
and a couple of staple shafts at
Andrews House. Coals from the Edge pit
went along a narrow wagonway to join
the Tanfield way at Burdon Dene, part
of which can still be traced. Coal
from Beckley, first went over the
Causey Arch and down the Tanfield Way,
but later travelled over Beckley Burn
where the fine embankment survives,
and past Woodhouses.
A new agreement was made to work the
Beckley and Andrews House coals,
except the Main Coal Seam, beginning
25th December 1747 and to last 14yrs
between the owner Sir Thomas Clavering
of the Whitehouse and the Grand Allies
(Lord Ravensworth, Edward Wortley,
George Bowes, and William Ord of
Fenham). This time the annual output
agreed upon was only 1/3 of what it
was in 1726. Some new conditions were
made by Sir Thomas Clavering :-
1) The lessees were to deliver up the
Colliery at the end of the term with
all the pits open and sufficiently
timbered, the watercourses upstanding
and supported, necessary for working
the seam.
2) The lessees were to have six of
their own wagons driven by the tenants
of the lessor, the tenants using their
own horses, and they shall be chosen
by the lessor or his agent. These men
were to work subject to the same rules
and at a similar wage as others
employed in driving coal wagons. They
were to give their names on the 1st
January each year to the lessees
3) The lessor's, tenants could cross
the wagonways made by the lessees on
condition that they did not damage or
hinder the transport of coals.
4) The lessees were to bring all the
manure from the Colliery to bank and
then be given to the lessor's tenants
(this implies that pit ponies were
working underground).
5) The
lessor gave liberty for coals wrought
under his ground to be brought to bank
at an adjacent Colliery belonging to
the lessees, but the coals to be kept
separate so that the lessor or his
Viewer could inspect them. A Drift was
made from the Bank and Bobb pits on
Hedley Common into the Andrews House
estate, cutting through a
sandy 'washout' to reach the Hutton
6) The lessor reserved the right for
himself to work the 'Main Coal' seam
and lead away any quantity of coals
provided it did not damage or hinder
the workings of the lessees.
From John Watson's Journal, (Viewer
for the Clavering mines) which is held
in Northumberland Record Office, we
read:- October 2nd 1749. Went down the
Corner pit, Andrews House Colliery,
(the corner pit lay 150yds east of Bob
Gins cottage, the Bob pit lay 150yds
south of the cottage) where John
Outer -side is the Overman. The men
work the Hutton seam, 21 fath-oms from
the surface, and produce 18 score a
day. The seam has a 12ins thick
section of Cannel coal through it. The
miners kirve the bottom and take down
the coal till they come to the Cannel,
which they take down separately and
throw it aside. The remainder of the
top part of the Hutton seam is then
taken down.
January 15th 1750 at the corner pit
they are attempting to put down a
staple to the Main Coal and then drive
a Drift into the Main Coal, but could
not get down for water. March 15th
1750 went down the Thorn pit, Andrews
House Colliery where the Hutton seam
is 6ft 3ins thick and 23 1/2 fathoms
below the surface. The pit works 14
score a day. April 1750 the corner pit
is working 21 score a day. A level
from the bottom of the shaft connects
to the Bank pit, 150yds south east on
Hedley Common. The waste underground
is stowed away in a stone Drift.
July 11th 1750 went down the corner
pit in the Hutton seam and find they
are all working to the northwest
through the sandy outsett, (a
washout). Their workings are all very
regular at 9 yds to a winning i.e. the
bords are 4yds wide and the pillars
5yds thick by 40yds in length. A Drift
connects this pit to the Thorn pit.
At this period Samuel Newton rented
the 149 acres at Andrews House which
included the High Hill, Rabbit
Pasture, Long Close, Carr Close, Mill
Pasture, Cockshot Field, Scroggy
Close, Lamb Pasture, Low Meadow
Bottom, and the Park. He also rented
Beckley Farm (87 acres) and Crookbank
Farm (60 acres). William Newton rented
the Bob Engine houses and Ralph Barron
rented Barkas Close (95 acres).
The Grand Allies in the form of Lord
Ravensworth and partners withdrew from
Andrews House in 1757, this resulted
in Sir Thomas Clavering having to
negotiate terms as best as he could to
get wayleave for his coals to reach
the staithes.

In 1765 Lord Ravensworth, the Earl of
Bute, and Mrs Mary Bowes granted
wayleave and passage for Sir Thomas to
lead 400 Tens of coals and cinders,
wrought from the Top Coal seam in
Andrews House Colliery (pictured
above), along the Tanfield Wagonway
and down to Dunston Staithes, term to
last 10 years.
For this privilege Sir Thomas had to
pay a Certain rent of £350 per annum
and provide the Earl of Bute with nine
good drivers and able horses for
wagons used at the Western Collieries.
The Earl allotted two of his keel
berths at the east end of Dunston
Staithes for Sir Thomas.
In Northumberland Record Office there
are some pay sheets for the working of
the Success pit at Andrews House
Colliery. The total cost of working
the pit over the two weeks ending on
October 21st 1767 came to £29 4s 1d,
the pay bill was signed by William
Unthank, Viewer, and his Deputy Thos
Hall. The twelve hewers at the pit
were paid 22d per score, plus extra
money for working headways and trouble
bords. Over the two weeks they only
worked nine and one half days,
receiving on average 26 to 30 pennies
per day. The Hewers were, James Hull,
Tom Dagg, George Pile, John Stobbs,
Bob Stobbs, Bill Ramsey, Michael
Smith, John Anderson, George Kirkley,
Bill Peareth, Bob Harding, and Tom
Thompson. The seven Drivers were John
Ramsey, John Harbottle, Matthew
Surtees, Bill Smith George Murton,
John Murton, and Bill Rotherford. They
were each paid 1/- per day, they
worked an extra Saturday after-noon as
compared with the Hewers.
Four years later there were still
twelve Hewers working at the pit.
Michael Smith, John Anderson, George
Kirkley, and Bob Harding were still
there, along with Tom & John Kendale,
Tom Walker, Bill Smith, Bob Anderson,
David Anderson, Bart Sanders and
Matthew Hall. Their wage had fallen
and they were paid at the rate of 18d
per score. There were six drivers i.e.
a ratio of one driver to two hewers.
On account of the costliness of corn
the men and each of their dependants
were paid one shilling and a halfpenny
per week extra. Tom Hunter was paid 4/-
for keeping ye lamp and Bill Wilson
was paid 16/-for laving water from the
pit, (their spelling).In October 1771
2/8d was spent on repairing the shaft
and putting on sliding deals.
Alternative photographs of Andrews
Houses appear in the story of 'The
Hearne Family' on this website.
Andrews Houses are now demolished)
In the 1870's the Colliery employed
about 120 men and boys, the Manager at
Marley Hill having overall
responsibility for the pit. The Hutton
and Main Coal seams were worked only,
the lower seams being tapped from the
Marley Hill end. A portion of the
Tanfield Moor royalty belonging to
Burnopfield Colliery was worked from
Andrews House. To the south east of
Birkheads was an air shaft, part of
Andrews House Colliery workings.
Officials went down this shaft
periodically to inspect the water
levels and air passages. The shaft was
only 40ft. deep, with unfaced sides,
and the coal seam was clearly visible
from the surface. About 1914 Bob Gray
of Stable Row lowered the officials
down the shaft on a platform worked by
a horse and rope pulley. The Colliery
closed in 1921 and dis-mantled in the
late 1920's. A circular tower, 25ft
high and built of white bricks, stood
over the shaft until it was removed in
the early 1980's and the shaft filled
A little to the south east of the loco
shed, Bowes Terrace was built, (houses
pictured above) sometime between 1851-
58. At first consisting of 8 x 2 back
to back houses, but by 1871 it had
been extended to 14 x 2 back to back
houses, with gardens and wash houses
on both sides of the terrace. In 1921
the homes were converted into 'through
houses'. The two end houses were
already 'through houses' so that the
number of dwellings in the terrace
became 16. They had gas lighting, but
no electricity, and earthern closets
(the netty). The terrace, along with
Marley Hill Terrace and Gibraltar Row,
came under Chester le Street Rural
District until 1936 when they came
within Whickham Urban District. In
1938 Bowes Terrace was condemned by
the Council and some of the folk moved
to Fernville Avenue at Sunniside.
170yds to the north east of the engine
shed Gibraltar Row (15 houses) was
built about 1874, standing between the
railway and the main road to Stanley.
The row was named after two old
cottages called Gibraltar standing
near the junction of the Tanfield line
with the wagonway from Andrews House.
How these cottages came by this exotic
name is a mystery. The Spoors family
lived here from 1841-1871, some
working on the railway as labourers.
Tom Young was here in the 1880's first
as a wagon rider and then as a mineral
guard. By 1898 the two cottages had
been demolished. About 200yds south of
Gibraltar Row, in the wedge between
the main road and the Tanfield line,
stood a pair of timber cottages built
sometime in the 1870's and known first
as Burndene, but later as the Wooden
cottages. In 1881 two Irish families
lived here, John McConvill, a
Platelayer on the railway, and Tom
Boyle, a Coke Drawer.
(These cottages should not be confused
with Burdon Dene cottages which stood
on the other side of the dene near
Causey Bankwell house in Tanfield
Marley Hill terrace (17 houses) was
built a few years after Gibraltar Row
and the double row came to be known as
Andrews Houses. A footpath went over
from Marley Hill terrace to the
screens at Marley Hill Colliery. On
crossing the Tanfield line there was a
well beside this path. In the 1950's
the waste, that over the years had
been tipped in the dene between
Gibraltar and Marley Hill pit, was
burning under-ground and smelly fumes
rose from the smokey fissures. This
pollution was only removed in the late
1970's when the waste was re-screened,
10yrs after the folk from Andrews
Houses had left.
Quite a few men came from the West
Country to get work at Andrews House
and Marley Hill Pits from the late
1860's to the mid 1880's and many of
them lived at Bowes Terrace and then
at Andrews Houses. Some of those from
Cornwall were called Vine, Welsh,
Crossman, Stoneman, Palmer, Taskas,
West-lake, Prinn, Alsop, Pollard,
Joll, Brewer, Treglown, and Ellacott;
from Devon was Rouse, Daws, Helyer,
Kingsland, Tuckerman, Reaves, Waycot,
and Rounsley; from Somerset was
Meddick, Blackmore, Langdon, Ridler,
Burridge, Vickery, Thorne, and
Pomeroy - unusual sounding names for
this area and bringing with them an
even stranger dialect. But like the
Irish before them they settled in and
some took root to become intertwined
with the natives. There was also an
influx of men from East Anglia, but
not quite so many and they came a bit
later, from the mid 1870's to the late
1880's. Those from Norfolk were
Shorten, Warnes, Masham, Spinks,
Blyth, Barnes, Nicholls, Rockett,
Pearce, Dye, Ringer, Tooke, Gooch, and
Purdy; from Suffolk was Ellis, Easey,
and Fenton; from Essex were Wright,
Spooner, and Sprawling. A John
Stoneman came to Marley Hill in 1867
and at the age of 10yrs began work as
a trapper boy in Andrews House
He came from Calstock on the Cornish
side of the Tamar river, it was said
that he first met his future wife Ann,
who came from Dunnet in Caithness, on
Andrews House bridge in 1878. They set
up house at Bowes Terrace and lived at
Marley Hill for 50yrs, with John
working in the pit all of those years.
Both were members of Causey Row
Primitive Methodist Church.
Before the First World War Andrews
House A.F.C. played in the Annfield
Plain and District Minor League and
had a field at the Causey. After the
War the Club played in the field just
north of Marley Hill Terrace. 1937 was
probably the clubs best year when the
1st team won the championship of their
league - Stanley & District. They also
reached the final of the Durham
Amateur Cup, played at Murray Park
against Mackays Sports Club, who
played in a higher division, so when
Andrews House lost it was no great
shock. The Club only played one other
season and then disbanded.
The signal cabin at the crossings of
the Tanfield and Bowes railways was
manned by the North Eastern Railway
personnel. In the 1930's Ralph Abbott
of Kibblesworth worked here. He only
had one arm, the result of a railway
accident when he was a young man. To
the south of Andrews House Colliery, a
sand and gravel quarry was used
occasionally up to 1914 by Bowes and
Partners for various building
contracts. Glacial sand deposits
stretch across Burdon Dene to Hedley.
Rabbit Banks is named as such on a map
of 1739 and is still the abode of
rabbits, the gorse bushes which
readily grow here make good protection
for them.
Harry Anderson (1894-1992) the son of
Michael Anderson, Engine Winderman at
Andrews House pit, lived at Gibraltar
Row at the turn of the century. He
started at Marley Hill Board School
when he was 4yrs old, his elder sister
being responsible to see him there
safely. The one mile walk involved
crossing the busy railway, he still
wore petticoats as was the custom
then, Harry said that laddies weren't
breeched until they were about 6yrs
old. Also at that time many young
mothers took a great pride in their
hair and that of their childrens.
Harry's mothers hair was so long that
she could sit on it. (William
Thirlwall, whose father was a
Blacksmith at Andrews House pit,
started school in 1899 and had
ringlets down to his shoulders). Harry
knew at the age of 7yrs that he wanted
to be an Engine Driver and he took
great interest in watching the loco's
being cleaned out, he also baked
potatoes in the red hot clinker which
the firemen had discarded. On leaving
school Harry began work as a trade
lad, taking business correspondence
between the offices of J.Bowes and
Partners around Marley Hill. When he
was 15yrs he began his Apprenticeship
as an Engine Driver, helping Jack
Wright, Blacksmith-Fitter, as
a 'Striker' in maintaining the five
loco's. He then became a Fireman and
worked mostly at Dipton when the new
Delight pit was being opened out. It
was not until he was 28yrs that he got
control of his own loco, though he had
acted as a spare driver before that.
He would listen to the engine and knew
by its sound when it reached the top
of a gradient, for when it was
climbing the engine noise said "I will
if I can, I will if I can". while on
passing over the top it changed its
rhythm to "I knew I could I knew I
could". At first Harry was in the
National Union of Railwaymen, but
later joined the National Union of
Mine -workers because it paid better

Pictured above: Alice (Clavering)
Windsor and Bob Gins the Causey
The National Coal Board allowed the
farm buildings at Andrews House and
Low Barcus Close to lie vacant, they
have deterior-ated, partly through
fire and vandalism. In 1985 drilling
rigs were making test borings for
mineral deposits on the land and in
September 1987 British Coal applied
for permission to opencast up to 670
acres lying between Byermoor Marley
Hill and Bobgins (pictured above). The
coal seams to be extracted were the
5/4, Main Coal, Low Main, Brass Thill,
and Hutton, plus an estimated 600,000
tons of overlying sand and gravel. The
2.8 million tons of coal was to be won
over a 10yr period. Local residents
led by Gerry Herron successfully
opposed the plan.
The Atkinson family occupied Andrews
House Farm up to 1967 having been here
since the 1830's when George Atkinson
(1777 - 1853) and his wife Elizabeth
(both of whom lie in Ryton
churchyard), farmed the Andrews House
estate. Joseph Mason, their assistant
in their old age, stayed on until the
early 1850's before Stephen Atkinson
(1822-1913) came here. In the 1920's
his grandson George bought sheep at
Rothbury and Scots Gap marts, from
where the sheep were conveyed by rail
to Swalwell Station and from there
driven by dog and crook to Andrews
House. Other members of the family
have farmed at Causey Bridge End -
William (1812-1890), Alex (1850-1923)
who was also a butcher, and George in
1938; and at Beckley -George (1856-
1914), Stephen (1884-1920), with his
wife Elizabeth. Robert Atkinson was
born at Low Barcus Close in 1933, at
the age of 12yrs he was the youngest
competitor at the New Years Day
ploughing match held in the field
behind the "Marquis of Granby"
Streetgate, courtesy of Mr Leslie
Tate. Both tractors and horses took
part and was organised by Burnopfield
and District Agricultural Society. On
getting married he went to Windy Hill
farm and in 1963 moved to his present
farm at Causey Hall where Alec Watson
had been for a few years. Will and Tom
Johnson were at Causey Hall for many
years and were noted as breeders of
pedigree Clydesdale horses.
Andrews House farm has been a ruin for
quite a few years. It stands on an
elevated site, with a spring running
from the bankside close by, and is
centrally placed for the estate. The
buildings date from the beginning of
the 19th century but I am not sure if
the original Andrews House stood on
this site. A map of 1739 marks a house
in a field called Mill Pasture and Low
Meadow Bottom down beside Beckley
Burn, but all trace of it has gone.
British Coal sold Beckley farmhouse by
auction in 1994 and the place has
since been renovated to a high
standard. Mention is made in the
Shafto Papers at Durham Record Office
of George Bulmer of Beckley Mill in
1726. In this year William Davison
esq. of Beamish Park gave him
permission to build a house on part of
a field, later to become part of Red
Row, on condition Mr Bulmer paid an
annual rent of 5/- on a 99 year lease,
and to provide a workman on request to
work either in Mr Davison's coal mines
or quarries. Mr Davison would pay the
workman's wages. Mr Bulmer's
descendants still had the house at Red
Row in 1845 although notice was served
on the 8th September of that year by
Dick Matthews, agent for John Eden
esq. to quit the house.
The farmhouse at Low Barcus Close was
badly damaged by fire in 1973, was
abandoned, and then demolished in
1990. The White family built a new
farm beside Barcus Close Lane in 1974
to replace the old one in the valley.
Prior to 1724 Messrs. Wheatley and
Stephenson held Barkers Close after
which Lady Jane Clavering (died
December 1734) had possession. The
upper part of the valley, now filled
in by colliery waste, was known as
Wheatley's Gill.
Alice Clavering pictured above, (1705-
1776), daughter of Sir John Clavering,
married Lord Windsor and as a result
High Barcus Close and Busty Bank (the
coal here was later worked by Barcus
Close Coal Company) went into the
Windsor family. By obtaining this land
Lord Windsor was able to lay a
wagonway down Busty Bank in order to
convey his coals from Pontop to
Derwenthaugh and to avoid crossing the
Gibside estate. His Colliery Agent
William Gill, (1719-1802) was buried
at Whickham. Lady Windsor's eldest
daughter Charlotte, married John 1st
Marquis of Bute. A farm was built at
High Barcus Close where Charles
Armstrong, Land Agent to the Marquis
of Bute, lived in the early 19th
century, and later moved to Axwell
Park Lodge as Land Steward to Sir
T.J.Clavering. High Barcus Close was
demolished in the mid 1980's. The
beech trees here are a landmark when
seen from Winlaton and Blackburn Fell.
Email: Sunniside Local History Society |
(Pictured above this fairly recent
acquisition of a photograph of Andrews
It would be ideal to possess all
census returns but that is virtually
an impossible task. However thanks to
Helen Douglas (nee Joyce) we have one
page which includes her late family.
We thought that this may be of
1901 Census Andrews Houses
Head of house: Colliery joiner Thomas
Young aged 26, wife Susannah aged 22.
Son George aged 2. Sister in law Jenny
Sharpe aged 8.
Head of House: Coal hewer Michael
Hearne aged 44, wife Mary aged 34.
Daughters Mary aged 15, Lena aged 13,
Agnes aged 10, Teresa aged 3, Kate
aged 1 month. Sons John aged 12, James
aged 9, William aged 2.
Head of house: Coal hewer James Joyce
aged 39, wife Mary aged 37. Daughters
Ann aged 10, Margaret aged 5. Sons
Henry aged 13, Lawrence aged 7,
Michael aged 2, Austin aged 2 months.
Head of house: Colliery joiner Robert
Young aged 27, wife Margaret aged 24.
Son Norman aged 4. Daughter Mary aged
Head of house: Engine driver Henry
Kirtley aged 37. Daughter Catherine
aged 26, Housekeeper. Son Matthew aged
22, Locomotive fireman.
Head of house: Coal hewer Edward Rudd
aged 38, wife Mary aged 39.
Unfortunately the census returns are
handwritten, in some cases so badly
that it was impossible to decipher
some names.