Ravensworth Castle & the Liddells
Ravensworth and the Liddells.
Many of England's imposing homes have
been disappearing during the last half
century. No longer are fortified
dwellings required to safeguard us
war-like communities, and places of
palatial splendour are too expensive
these democratic days. Ravensworth
Castle, north Durham, which stands on
the gentle slope of a hill to the
west of the village of Lamesley was at
one time the pride of the county,
it is an empty shell.
The castle occupied the site of an old
fortress whose origin is lost in the
mists of time. Two of its ancient
towers are embodied in the present
structure. This early stronghold,
according to the first chroniclers,
called Ravens helm and in some
Raffens weath. Hutchinson, an early
historian of the county of Durham, in
attempting to explain these names
us: The The antiquity of this castle
leads to conjectures as to the
etymology of the name; in many old
records it is called Ravenshelm and
Ravenfwaith, in the old spelling
Raffenfweath. The Danish standard was
called Raffen, and weath is a north
country word, now used in Scotland for
sorrow . The application we would
is, that Ravensworth Castle is of
Danish foundation, and had its name
from them as Raffens-Helm, or the
stronghold of the Danish standard; and
that some defeat of that people had
occasioned the name of Raffens weath,
or Danish woe."
We know that these warriors from
the seas visited this area when they
sailed up the Tyne and anchored their
fleet at the mouth of the Team.
Historians, however, are apt to differ
as regards the derivation of words and
place-names and Surtees in summing up
Hutchinson's conclusions says :
" But the name of Raven enters into
composition of numerous Saxon names of
places: Ravenglass, in Cumberland;
Ravenstondale, Westmorland that other
castle Ravensworth, the seat of the
Fitz-Hughes, near Richmond. In some
instances it is not denied that the
name may be derived from the haunts of
the very bird itself."
Surtees first mentions Ravensworth
he tells us it was here one, “
Eardulf, rose from the dead to,
the death of Bishop Walcher, and the
punishment of his murderers." This
Norman prelate with several of his
followers was put to death by an angry
mob in a little church on the banks of
the Tyne in Gateshead in the 14th day
of May, 1090.
William of Normandy's victory over
Saxon England brought a new
into the land. Many of the nobles who.
fought with Harold at Hastings and in
the minor battles which followed as
Normans penetrated the country lost
their lands and their properties
forfeit. King William I distributed
lavishly his ill-gotten gains among
henchmen and new names, a new tongue,
fashions and customs came to Britain.
As the years roll by, however, we find
the Normans quarrelling among
themselves for pride of place. Nearly
century after the Conquest Bishop
Ranulph Flambard granted Ravensworth
and Hecton now called Eighton, to his
nephew Richard, related to the Barons
Fitz-Marmaduke. Who lived at
Ravensworth and in the castle of
Ravenshelm before the occupancy of
family is not known. The last in the
male line of the Fitz-Marmadukes was
killed on Framwellgate Bridge, Durham,
one night following a quarrel with his
cousin, Robert Nevill, no doubt over
the family possessions. Ravenshelm
Castle then passed through marriage to
the Lumleys when Eleanor Fitz-
married one of that ilk.
The deeds presented by the late Lord
Ravensworth to the Newcastle upon Tyne
Society of Antiquaries provide visible
proof of early ownership. There are
altogether eighty- two documents, but
the most interesting arc numbers one
and two - the original grant by Bishop
Flambard and the charter of Henry I
(1129?) confirming the grant. Brief
entries in various writings also
the gloom of the past and these
fragments give us the story of
Ravensworth. In the time of Bishop
Hatfield, 1367, we read that "
Alexander de Kybblesworth held a
of the vill of Ravensworth of Elanora,
Countess of Ravenshelm."
In 1353 Robert de Lumley, son of
Eleanor (or Elanora) died, and was
succeeded by Bartram. This member of
the Lumley family left an only
daughter, Isabel, who married in 1489
Sir Henry Boynton, of Sedbury. There
was one child from this union, a
daughter, another Isabel, who was to
become the wife of Sir' Henry
Gascoigne, second son of Sir William
Gascoigne. Sir William Gascoigne, of
Gawthorpe, in Yorkshire, was Chief
Justice of England in the reign of
Henry IV. A man of strong resolution
incurred the King's displeasure 'by
refusal to sentence to, death
Archbishop Scroop, and on another
occasion committed the young Prince of
Wales to prison for contempt of court.
King Henry, however, came to place
reliance upon him.
Sir Henry Gascoigne's son, also called
Henry, was followed by Richard, who
married Joane, daughter of Richard
Norton, of Norton Conyers. Their son
and heir was another William.
Buck's engraving of Ravenshelm Castle
in the year 1728 has inscribed the
names of Fitz-Hugh, Turneaux and
Marmion, Dacre and Parr. But the
Ravensworth deeds, Hutchinson and
Surtees make no mention of these
families having dwelt in the
of county Durham.
Under the date August 14th, 1582,
Welford gives us the following
entry: "
Died, Isabel, wife of Henry Anderson,
M.P. She was the younger of two
daughters and co-heirs of Christopher
Morland of Pittington, and at the time
of her death was only thirty-three
years of age. Four daughters survived
her, Barbara, who married William,
afterwards Sir William Gascoigne, of
Ravensworth; Alice, who became the
of John Gower; Elizabeth, wife of
Anderson of Newcastle; and Isabel, who
was united to Thomas, afterwards Sir
Thomas Liddell, of Ravensworth,
In another revealing passage under the
date 1607, Welford tells us: " In the
papers preserved in the register
at Durham is a record of the
acquisition by Thomas Liddell of the
family estate at Ravensworth. It is
document by which Bishop James granted
pardon for entry without licence into
the castle of Ravenshelme, the manor
Ravenshelme and Lamesley, and
land, etc., there, and in Eighton
Hedley, Over Eighton, Nether Eighton,
Longacres, Northendes, Ravensworth,
Pockerley, acquired from William
Gascoigne, Knight, and Barbara his
And this brings us to the family who
held the Ravensworth estates for more
than 300 years.
Ravensworth Castle was, until recent
years the ancestral home of the family
of Liddell. The first castle of
Ravenshelm consisted of four towers
connected by a curtain wall enclosing
large courtyard. This structure, as we
will presently learn, was, with the
exception of two towers, completely
pulled down and rebuilt.
The story of the Liddells as Lords of
Ravensworth begins in the 16th
so we will return to the reign of
Elizabeth and take a glimpse down the
years at several of the sons of this
famous family who fought so valiantly
on the field of battle when Royalists
opposed Roundheads, and in the
political arena when Tories struggled
with Whigs to decide who should govern
our islands. Thomas Liddell, the first
on this distinguished list, was a
merchant adventurer and an extensive
property owner in Newcastle and
Gateshead. Sheriff of Newcastle 1563-4
and Mayor 1572-3', he died May 8th
1577, bequeathing to his eldest son,
also called Thomas, his progressive
It was Thomas who acquired the manor
and castle of Ravenshelm. This Thomas,
like his father, became the chief
citizen in Newcastle in 1609-10, and
the same year was to have as Sheriff,
coincidently, his own son Thomas, this
particular Christian name was quite a
favourite in the Liddell family.
Liddell on the death of his father in
1619 continued to live in Ravenshelm
Castle and as a tradesman speculating
in coal and corn and became a very
wealthy man. In 1625 King Charles I
just ascended the throne, he was
elected Mayor of Newcastle and by all
accounts was head of Municipal life
during troublesome times.

These were the days of religious
persecution, and Thomas Liddell as a
Protestant, was expected to assist in
seeking out Jesuit priests,
treacherous work he found foreign to
his honest nature and which he refused
to do. During his second term in
office as mayor 1636-37 a terrible
plague swept Newcastle and Gateshead
when thousands perished, and there is
still to be seen near Ravensworth
Castle the Butter Cross (pictured
right) where, so says tradition,
trades people left their merchandise
and returned to collect the money in
payment which was steeped in vinegar,
the only disinfectant known at the
time. This cross was the market cross
of Ravensworth village, a little
hamlet swept away when making
Ravensworth Park.
From the moment Charles I became King
of England he had trouble with his
Parliament because of his autocratic
demands, and with the Scots because of
his determination to impose upon them
an Anglican liturgy. In 1639 the Scots
broke into open rebellion and the
following year an army under the
command of General Sir Alexander
Lesley crossed the Border.
After the defeat of an English force
at Newburn the Scots entered
Newcastle, which town they occupied
for ten months and only withdrew upon
receipt of £60,400 as a war indemnity.
In 1642 Charles set up his standard at
Nottingham to enforce his will upon
the Parliamentary forces which were
gathering to defy him. Never was such
a noble man misguided by evil advice
and so foolish in heaping up trouble.
It was in November of this year that
Thomas Liddell, who zealously upheld
the King's cause, was rewarded by
Charles with a baronetcy for his
loyalty in keeping Newcastle a
Royalist stronghold.
After a number of successes and
reverses on either side the English
Parliament founding an alliance with
the Scots and on February 3rd, 1644,
Lesley, now the Earl of Leven, again
entered England. But the Great Siege
of Newcastle is another story-one of
heroism and suffering which, whatever
the ideal at stake, showed how
stubborn and unwilling the Tyneside
people were to accept defeat. For
twelve months the gallant defenders
fought and starved and successfully
repulsed the invaders from their
crumbling walls. Side by side with the
Governor of Newcastle, Sir John
Marley, Sir Thomas Liddell fought and
was with those who withdrew to the
Keep and continued to defy the Scots
when the town was taken.
But courage was of no avail against
overwhelming odds and Sir Thomas with
other survivors eventually
capitulated. The Earl of Crawford,
Lords Maxwell and Reed, Sir John
Marley, Sir Nicholas Cole and Sir
George Baker likewise were forced at
last to leave the Old Castle and
surrender their swords. Sir Thomas
Liddell was detained in " London
House " until 1646 when he was
released upon payment of a fine of
An astute businessman he was, as we
have seen, a grand old warrior who had
the courage to uphold his convictions.
He was also a family man, but in his
old age lived to mourn the loss of his
entire progeny. His fourteen children
all died before him, and when he
passed on in 1652 to give a final
account of his life and labours he was
succeeded by his grandson, another
Thomas, who came to dwell at
Sir Thomas Liddell, the 2nd baronet,
unlike his grandfather, had a puritan
outlook and married Anna, the daughter
of Sir Henry Vane of Raby Castle, a
staunch supporter of the Commonwealth
who became President of the Council of
State. Sir Thomas, who had never
believed in drastic measures, was
included in the Act of General Pardon
when Charles II came to the throne,
while Sir Henry Vane, outside this
amnesty was arraigned on a charge of
high treason and executed on Tower
Hill in the June of 1662. Sir Henry
Liddell succeeded to the title and
estates upon the death af his father
in 1697. He was M.P. for Durham City,
1688-98, and for Newcastle 1701-5, and
1706-10. He purchased in 1720 the
lands at Eslington Park which had been
forfeited to the Crown through an act
of attainder, and here built a mansion
that was to serve as a dual place of
residence for the Liddell family.
Thomas Liddell was M.P, for
Lostwithiel in 1715; George Liddell
was M.P. for Berwick 1727-40; Richard
Liddell, M.P. for Bossiney, 1741-46.
Henry Liddell, son of Sir Henry
Liddell, became the 4th baronet, and
was raised to the peerage in 1747 with
the title Baron Ravensworth, of
Ravensworth Castle, in the County
Palatine of Durham. Like other members
of his family before him he took an
active interest in the politics of his
day and in the General Election of
1734 was elected M.P. for Morpeth and
entered the House of Commons at the
early age of twenty-six. A man with a
broad outlook on life he was ". ... a
foe to jobbery and corruption, the
steady friend of political honesty and
religious tolerance, and an earnest
advocate of progress in agriculture,
and protection to the coal trade."
His efforts on behalf of his fellow
men were sincere and upon his death in
1784 his loss was generally lamented:
He left only a daughter, thus the
first Barony of Ravensworth came to an
end. Henry George Liddell, his nephew,
became the next baronet, and acquired
the estates at Ravensworth and
Eslington. Sir Henry also inherited
the spirit of adventure which
distinguished his early forebears. On
one occasion with a Captain Fothergill
of the good ship "Gottenburgh
Merchant" and a number of close
friends he sailed for Denmark, Sweden,
Finland and finally explored the icy
wastes of Lapland. As proof of his
visit to these northern regions he
brought back two girls, natives of
Jokmo, named Sigree and Anea, and a
collection of reindeer. Their presence
at Ravensworth aroused considerable
curiosity and many were the gifts
bestowed upon the two outlandish
ladies. After a brief stay in England
they returned to their homes at Sir
Henry's expense taking with them an
additional present of £50 from the
intrepid baronet, a sum of money they
considered a fortune.
The reindeer at Ravensworth continued
to breed, but unfortunately every
animal perished during a severe winter
a few years later, through neglect
upon the part of those to whom they
were left in charge. Thomas Bewick,
the celebrated wood engraver, visited
Ravensworth Park when in search of
illustrations for his " History of
Quadrupeds." Sir Henry's grandson,
named after him, the Very Rev. Henry
George Liddell, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L.,
was Hon. Chaplain to Queen Victoria
and Domestic Chaplain to Prince
Albert. He was Vice-Chancellor of the
University of Oxford 1870-74 and was
Dean of Christ Church 1885-91. It was
Dean Liddell's daughter, Alice, and
her two little sisters, who inspired
Lewis Carroll to write his " Alice in
Wonderland," and " Alice through the
Looking Glass." Carroll, whose real
name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, was
then teaching at Oxford.

Sir Henry George Liddell died November
26th, 1791, and was succeeded by his
son, Sir Thomas Henry Liddell.
Ravensworth Castle, up to this time
had preserved its medieval and
fortress-like appearance, but the next
owner aspired to something more
grandiose and in the year 1808 old
Ravenshelm changed its identity. John
Nash, 1752-1835, earned fame as an
architect when he rebuilt Buckingham
Palace, the great Pavilion at Brighton
and for his reconstruction of Regent's
Street and Regent's Park, named after
the Prince Regent. His services were
obtained to rebuild Ravenshelm Castle
and the noble edifice we have so long
remembered came to grace our
The castle, however, like Nash's other
work was adversely criticized, but
even if it was a " sham fortress "
which never heard the " clang of
knightly mail," it had a stately
grandeur and was the pride of North
Sir Thomas entered Parliament for
Durham in 1806, and was a Tory of the
Pitt school. A great friend of the
royal family, the Barony of
Ravensworth was revived by George IV
and Sir Thomas became the second Lord
He devoted much of his time to his
estates and to the coal industry,
realising that this useful commodity
was not only of importance to his own
income, but also a vital necessity in
the life of the nation. He encouraged
the engineering abilities of Nicholas
Wood and George Stephenson, and gave
this latter Tyneside genius his first
opportunity in building a practical
steam engine to run on rails. In after
life when these iron steeds were
puffing along the railways of Britain
Stephenson remarked with feeling: "
The first locomotive that I made was
at Killing-worth Colliery, and with
Lord Ravensworth's money. Yes, Lord
Ravensworth and partners were the
first to, entrust me with money to
make a locomotive engine. That engine
was made, and we called it ` My Lord.'
t said to my friends that there was no
limit to the speed of such an engine,
provided the works could be made to
stand." Prophetic words in the light
of the revolutionary advance in
railway engineering today.
Ravensworth Castle during the second
baron's lifetime received many
distinguished guests. In the September
of 1827 His Grace the Duke of
Wellington visited the north of
England where he received a civic
welcome at Stockton. He dined at
Wynyard, seat of the Marquis of
Londonderry. After a grand reception
in Stockton he came to Newcastle on
September 28th when thousands lined
the streets to give him a welcome.
Sykes, the bookseller and recorder of
unusual events, tells us: The Duke
dined at the Mansion House, inspected
various guards of honour, and was
generally socially entertained.
Following a ball at the Assembly Rooms
His Grace retired to the privacy of
Ravensworth. He enjoyed the
hospitality of Lord Ravensworth until
October 4th and had for company during
these last few days that eminent man
of letters, Sir Walter Scott.
Two years later there was assembled
within the imposing walls of
Ravensworth Castle a gathering of the
nobility which far exceeded in beauty,
chivalry and splendour any other
assembly the ancestral home of the
Liddell’s had known. Mr. Henry George
Liddell, the eldest son of the Hon. H.
T. Liddell, M.P., had reached the age
of twenty-one, and his proud
grandfather, the Lord Ravensworth, had
decided to celebrate this important

On October 8th the tenantry were
entertained. It was a day of feasting
and jubilation, but on the, following
Wednesday, the 12th, his lordship was
pleased to invite many of England's
aristocratic families to the beautiful
vale of Ravensworth and his stately
home. The guests began to arrive in
the afternoon. Around the castle gates
and along the road which leads to the
castle entrance a large crowd was
gathered to watch. the arrival of the
distinguished company, and about the
lawns were numerous parties holding
polite conversation. Among the 400-500
visitors were His Imperial Highness
the Archduke Frederick Ferdinand of
Austria, the Marquis of Normanby, the
Earl of Scarbrough, Lord and Lady
Prudhoe, Lord and Lady Barrington,
Lord and Lady Chelsea, Lord George
Seymour, Sir Edward and Lady Blackett,
and " most of the principal families
of the counties of Durham and
Lord Ravensworth married Maria
Susannah, daughter of John Simpson of
Bradley, and Ann, grand-daughter of
the Earl of Stra.thmore. They had
sixteen children-eight sons and eight
daughters. Henry Thomas, who was to
become the third baron and first Earl
of Ravensworth; Thomas; John; George;
the Rev. Robert, Vicar of St. Paul's,
Knightsbridge; George Augustus
Frederick, a Colonel in the Scots
Guards and deputy ranger of Windsor
Great Park; Charles; Sir Adolphus
Frederick Octavious, K.C.B., Under
Secretary of State for the Home
Department; Maria, Marchioness of
Normanby; Frances Jane, died
unmarried; Ann Elizabeth, Lady
Williamson; Jane Elizabeth,
Viscountess Barrington; Elizabeth
Charlotte, the Hon. Mrs. Edward
Earnest Villiers; Susan, Lady
Hardwicke; Charlotte Amelia, Mrs. John
Trotter; Georgiana, Lady Bloomfield.
Lady Ravensworth died November 22nd,
1845, and Lord Ravensworth some ten
years later March 7th, 1855, both
being buried in the family vault in
St. Andrew's Church, Lamesley.
All the towns and villages in
Northumberland were in a fervour of
excitement, there was a great election
which lasted fifteen days, from June
20th to July 6th.The result was
declared and Henry Thomas Liddell
entered the Houses of Parliament.
Born March 10th, 1797, he was educated
at Eton and St. John's, Cambridge.
After travelling in Europe and
visiting the principal cities, Paris,
Rome, Berlin, and Vienna he returned
to Ravensworth where, in 1820, he
married Isabella Horatio, eldest
daughter of Lord George Seymour.
During the course of his political
career he was M.P. for Durham and
Liverpool, but gave up the, last seat
when he entered the House of Lords on
the death of his father. A man of
culture, he was an accomplished
artist, poet and writer. A Latin
scholar, he translated the Odes of
Horace. From 1861 to 1878 he was
President of the Newcastle upon Tyne
Society of Antiquaries. In his 84th
year he was created by Queen Victoria
Earl of Ravensworth and Baron
The first Earl of Ravensworth; like
his father, had a large family-
fourteen. He died on March 19th, 1878
and was succeeded by Henry George
Liddell. The second Earl was M.P. for
South Northumberland 1852-78. He was a
Doctor of Civil Law and a Justice of
the Peace and, like many of the
Liddells, was a military man. He was
Colonel and Hon. Colonel of the
Northumberland Hussars Yeomanry.
Although he married twice, he died
without male issue in 1903 and his
brother Athol Charles John became the
third Earl of Ravensworth.
Lord Arthur Thomas and Lady Ravensworth
The new Earl, a Captain in the 60th
Rifles, was Deputy Lieutenant for
Durham, but he survived his brother by
only seven months and died on February
7th, 1904. Having no heir, the earldom
of Ravensworth became extinct. The
Barony of Ravensworth, created in
1821, then devolved upon the late
Earl's cousin, Arthur Thomas, who
became the fifth Baron of that name.
Many who had social or business
connections with Ravensworth will
recall this branch of the family. The
Ravensworth estates were then in their
hey-day, still the most splendid
palatial residence. But Ravensworth
Castle was slowly leaving behind the
scenes of its former glory. Lord
Ravensworth died on November, 1919,
and the following year there was held
within the castle's noble walls an
extensive sale when furniture, china,
bronzes, manuscripts and books and
many art treasures changed possession.
Gerald Wellesley, the sixth Baron,
left Ravensworth to live at Eslington
Park, near Alnwick, and the castle
became but a romantic picture of the
past. For a short while it was used as
a High School. for young ladies, then
its doors were closed and this stately
old pile was left to time's ravage and
decay. Robert Arthur Liddell, the
seventh Lord Ravensworth, who
succeeded to the title in June, 1932,
in 1936 he planned to pull the castle
down and to erect in its place a model
village from the stone and valuable
oak timbers. This plan aroused the
indignation of all lovers of beautiful
Britain who accused his lordship of
vandalism. Lord Ravensworth replied to
his critics in the local Press
revealing that through the workings of
a 30-acre coalfield beneath, the
castle was beginning to sink and that
huge cracks were appearing in its
walls, the castle was no longer
Lord Ravensworth, died on August 4th,
1950, in Hexham General Hospital
following a road accident, aged just
48 years.
The Liddell Estates at Eslington Park,
the seat of Arthur Waller Liddell the
eighth and present Baron Ravensworth,
were acquired by Sir Henry Liddell in
1720. George Collingwood, the former
owner, supported the Old Pretender in
his claim to the throne of England,
and with many other Jacobites lost his
head and his property when the
rebellion of 1715 failed. Every
generation has produced a Liddell of
note who has left his mark. The family
has seen big industrialists, soldiers,
statesmen, writers and philanthropists
and their name appears with some
frequency in our local records.
Ravensworth Castle now lies in ruins,
a well publicised attempt in 2004 to
raise finance for a re-building
programme failed. Had the coal owners,
among them the Liddells, not extracted
coal from underneath the castle and so
caused subsidence, the entire building
may still be with us. There is little
doubt that the magnificent castle
would have been a huge tourist
attraction, especially with its
beautiful woodland surround. As it is,
even the ruins are slowly being
overgrown by foliage, a testament to
the greed of the coal owners.
Early Ravenshelm - excerpt from " The
History and Antiquities o f the County
Palatine of Durham," William
Hutchinson, F.A.S., excerpt from " The
History and Antiquities of the County
Palatine of Durham," Robert Surtees,
F.S.A.,families of Fitz-Marmaduke,
Lumley, Boynton, Gascoigne and
Liddell, excerpts from " History of
Newcastle and Gateshead," Richard Welf
ord, M.A.
Primarily: Romantic Ravensworth by
Clarence R Walton
I never cease to be amazed at the
number of people worldwide who access
our site seeking information about
their ancestry. This photograph of
Coxclose Lodge c1890 on the
Ravensworth Estate was discovered
thanks to a young lady Angela of
Leicestershire, who contacted me
seeking information on her family the
Liddle's, the Lodge is linked to her
family history. She found our site
thanks to a photo I have included in
our Streetgate entry on the website of
Wheelright Thomas Liddle (1766 - 1849)
who are of her family.The photo also
features in our first book 'Byermoor,
Marley Hill And Sunniside'.
We have received this unique
photograph showing Shaft Borers from
Scotland sinking a shaft close to the
castle in 1929. No wonder the castle
subsided into ruins, what were they
thinking of?

This photograph of Alice Liddell was
taken by Charles Dodgson during a visit to Ravensworth, (she was born at 19 Dean's Yard in Westminster on the 4th May 1852) and inspired him to write ‘Alice’s
Lewis Carroll is well known throughout
the world as the author of Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland and Through
the Looking-Glass. Behind the famous
pseudonym was Charles Lutwidge
Dodgson, a mathematical lecturer at
Oxford University with remarkably
diverse talents.
Born in 1832, in Daresbury, Cheshire,
he spent his early life in the north
of England (at Daresbury, Cheshire and
in Croft, Yorkshire). He spent his
adult life in Oxford and died at
Guildford in 1898. Besides the Alice
books, he wrote many others including
poems, pamphlets and articles. He was
a skilled mathematician, logician and
pioneering photographer and he
invented a wealth of games and puzzles
which are of great interest today.
Through his range of talents he has
acquired great respect and has a large
These photographs and the photographs below were also e-mailed to me by the same person. The lady is named as Mrs Murray, she may have actually lived at the Lodge.
I received this interesting letter from Mr Malcolm Petty and thought it worthy of inclusion:
In regard to the photographs on your excellant website of the N. Lodge and Mrs. Murray. She and her husband "Jock" lived in the N. Lodge all of the time that I remember going past there.
We lived in Lobley Hill and the parents of my mother lived in the North Tower of Ravensworth Castle until they were forced to leave in the early 1950's due to the subsidence. I have fond memories of visiting almost every weekend, and more during the school holidays, until I was 6 or 7 years old.
I remember Mr. Murray scything the grass alongside the road past their cottage, my parents would always have a word with him as we headed down the road.
The younger of my two sisters was born in the Castle while dad was away during the war, she now lives in Newcastle, my other sister lives in Streetgate.
It was very special in the Castle, my grandparents lived in the North Tower, above a garage, or workshop, after climbing the incredibly narrow winding stone stairs.
The main views from their living spaces were inward to the courtyard, and the clock.
I have fond memories of the lake with Cypress trees around it, an orchard in the woods, the red gravel "clinker" on the roads, and the views walking home at night of the lights of Gateshead and Newcastle.
It was a huge change after they had to move out to a Council house in Nettleworth, due to the subsidence.
I moved to America in the late 60's but keep in touch.
Malcolm Petty
This photograph was also e-mailed to me by the same person.
I received this e-mail recently, whilst I get lots of contact regarding Ravensworth this is the first to mention the gardens.
Dear Mr. Newman,
After viewing your web site I thought I would try and seek a bit of information about Ravensworth Castle and the gardens.
I have in my possession an 8 volume bound set of " The Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening " published by L. Upcot Gill of 170 Strand , London. It is a very detailed encyclopedia of horticulture, with many nice coloured plates, and it seems to have been originally published in monthly parts between 1884 -87. I can find no other record of of this publication anywhere.
The reason for my enquiry is that the volumes are handwritten inscribed with " David Ormiston, The Gardens, Ravensworth Castle, Gateshead ".
As my wife and I are keen gardeners, we are interested to know more about the gardens and gardeners, although we realise that the castle no longer exists.
Does your organisation hold any details at all about the said gentleman ? If so it would be interesting to know more about him and his work. It may also be more appropriate for the volumes to reside nearer their original home, if there is a suitable archive or library, rather than on my bookcase !
Thank you,
Jim Leeming
Dr. J. B. Leeming
Banneriggs Foot,
Because the Ravensworth estates are part of Gateshead, I contacted friends and colleagues at Gateshead Central Library. They are greatly interested in the books and subject mentioned in the letter and will be contacting Dr Leeming in due course.
Dr Leeming would love to hear from anyone with an interest in the subject and hopefully anyone with a contribution to the subject.
J LEEMING jleeming14@btinternet.com
Thanks to some movie footage, I was able to down load this photograph of Ravensworth staff.
I have been contacted by cousins Malcolm Petty and Peter Freeman who's family lived on the Ravensworth Estate, in the Arch House pictured to the rear. The photograph shows A young Malcolm riding the bike with his sister Maureen standing behind him. Peter Freemans sister is in the car.
It is amazing how time and again we think there is no more photographs of Ravensworth. We are indebted to Malcolm and Peter and hope that they may send us more.
This photograph is of four sisters, the photograph was taken on the castle roof.
L/r: Olive (Peter's mother,Dorothy, Ethel, Madge.
This photograph is unique, the I.D. card of Peter Freeman, first dated 21st March 1947. It is good that we find out more about the people who lived and worked on the estate.