Tommy Armstrong
Tommy Armstrong
Since we featured the short story of
Tommy Armstrong some months ago, there
has been many enquiries from people
greatly interested in Tommy's life. As
a result of that interest we have
decided to feature this more complete
story of Tommy Armstrong.
Tommy was born in Wood Street
at Shotley Bridge County Durham on the
15th August 1848. His father and
had moved to the area from Haswell.
Today he twin rows of stone-built
cottages have been demolished, as have
the gas works and flour mill which
operated at either end. This was the
Western fringe of the coalfield, along
which small drift mines like those at
Whittonstall and Daisy Hill worked. In
the early 1850's, Tommy's parents
Eastwards once again this time to
settle in the Stanley area, first at
South Pontop and thereafter in and
around East Tanfield and Stanley. It
was a move from the countryside of the
Derwent valley to a rapidly expanding
and urban mining district. Here Tommy
started in the pits, working at the
South Pontop and East Tanfield
(pictured above) Collieries, as a
youngster he had suffered severely
rickets, and this illness was to leave
him deformed. His bow legs in latter
life needed the permanent aid of
and he never reached more than five
feet in height, Undoubtedly, this
affected his working life. (His son
recounts how, as a boy Tommy had to be
carried to work by his older brother,
to his first job as trapper, opening
and shutting air lock doors, a job
which he would have been able to do
with little or no walking.) Equally
clearly, this served as an important
material pressure on his song writing
career, nor was this a unique
phenomenon. George Ridley's serious
song writing was spurred by necessity
and the consequences of a severe
industrial accident. Such accidents
were not uncommon, and for working men
in the North, the popular culture of
singing, entertaining and writing
offered the possibility of a small,
alternative income.
He married Mary Anne Hunter in 1869
and they produced 14 children,
following the death of Anne in 1898 he
married Ann Thompson in 1901
Songs were sold as broadsheets,
and distributed by local printers;
funeral directors bought verses for
their cards. This was one of the ways
in which Tommy Armstrong came to earn
living. What put him on the way was
presence of a vibrant popular culture
in the Stanley area.
In his unpublished ‘History of
Fred Wade makes reference to the
musical evenings that took place in
town and to the popularity of a local
comedian called Mr. Macmillan. At the
age of fifteen Tommy attended one of
his performances in Stanley. That
the comic shared the bill with Joe
Wilson, a young man who was making a
name for himself as a street singer on
Tyneside, from this time on it would
seem that Tommy Armstrong was set to
become the "pitman's poet" and if this
was made possible by the popular
culture of the area, it was the mines
and the mining industry which provided
the inevitable and unrelenting
background to his life and songs.
Armstrong's life (1848 to 1920) spans
the heyday of the coalfield that was
known as the Great Northern Coalfield.
In 1821 the Hetton company sank the
first shaft through the limestone on
the concealed coalfield in the East of
the county. With coal drawn from the
Hetton Lyons Blossom pit, the area was
set for a substantial expansion in
production. The dependence upon the
London market for house coal eased as
other coal-using industries - iron and
steel and shipyards - expanded. In the
thirties and forties new pits were
in rapid succession in the East and
West of the county - Monkwearmouth,
Seaham, Murton, Thornley, Haswell,
Wingate, Esh Winning and Roddymoor.
these collieries were sunk at this
time. In the Stanley district Murns'
colliery was sunk in 1832 and the Air
pit in 1849. Tanfield colliery itself
was opened in this period.
So rapid and extensive was this
development that in 1850 a
correspondent for the Times newspaper
described County Durham as little more
than one huge colliery". In 1869, when
Armstrong would have been twenty-one,
there were 157 collieries and drifts
operating in the coalfield. Stanley
itself was ringed with collieries
by the Lambtons and the Joiceys, John
Bowes and Partners and the new joint
stock companies like Holmside and
Moor and the South Medomsley Colliery
Company. Stanley was like the
Klondyke -
a place dominated by the mining of
black gold. In the last thirty years
the nineteenth century it expanded
enormously, transforming a rural area
into a major urban complex. For Tommy
Armstrong there were two Stanley’s,
first there was the business street,
with theatres, picture halls, shops,
churches and pubs". All this however
rested upon. the, industrial base of
the town, and the harsh conditions of
its workers - the miners - and their
At the East end of the Louisa Terrace,
a railway line crossed the road to
serve the Oakey's Colliery screens and
siding, and these were behind a high
wooden fence about sixty yards long.
Three drab grey stone houses and
another fence of thirty yards, behind
which was an airshaft for the Louisa
Pit. On the opposite side of the road
beginning at the rail crossing was a
high brick wall with coal hoppers
inset, to provide for the delivery of
workmen’s free coal, and the lofty
brick buildings of South Moor Colliery
County Workshops. These buildings
enclosed the Louisa Old and new pit
shafts, railway sidings and screens.
The latter also catered for the Hedley
and William pits of Old South Moor,
their coals reaching the screens by
of the Hedley gangway with the use of
endless rope haulage.
In this time of great industrial
rural traditions were maintained. Men
kept pigs and a range of other
livestock. Women cooked all manner of
food, and also cleaned and sewed and
washed. 'Market Day’ remained an
important day in the weekly routine.
Something of this life is captured by
Tommy Armstrong in songs like ‘Stanla
Market’ (with the opening line if
you're bad and off your meat) and ‘Cat
Pie’ and ‘Hedgehog Pie’, while a side
of community relations which are far
from idyllic is developed memorably in
the Row in the Gutter. Daily life, and
its goings on, form the focus of these
songs. Others examine daily life in
pit, and here the gaiety and mischief
has a strong ascebic edge. ‘Oakey's
Keeker’ is a case in point.
The "keeker" in the Durham mines was
the man in charge of the surface of
colliery, Here was the place where the
coal, hewed with such effort and drawn
off the coal face in tubs, was
and weighed. The miners were paid by
the weight of coal in their tubs and
there was too high a proportion of
stone payment was reduced. So
was the weighing on the surface that
miners had their own "check weighman"
to check the master's weights. In all
this, of course, the “keeker” was a
central figure.
A bad “keeker” could make a
considerable difference in the weekly
wage packet. And at Oakey's Colliery
the 1870's the miners had to endure
such a man. Joseph Elliot was
transferred to the pit from the nearby
Bank foot Colliery In Anfield Plain.
Durham people's biographies are
followed closely, and it was known
Elliot was born into a family in
Law, To the people of Stanley he was
known as "Maiden Law Joe", and this is
how he is referred to by Armstrong, He
must, he says, have been born without
feeling or shame" that hairy faced
rascal Old Maiden Law Joe". It was
description which moved the “keeker”
take Tommy Armstrong to court for
libel. Tommy Gilfellon recounts how:
“Upon presentation of the offending
work to the clerk of the court and the
magistrates, he found smiles of
amusement on their faces too.
closer of Elliot as to what in
particular he objected to in the poem,
the magistrates were told that 'he
called me a hairy faced rascal'.
'Well' said the clerk of the
court, 'you still have your whiskers'.
The following day, the last two verses
of the poem appeared.” These verses,
incidentally, elaborated the insult,
suggesting that Oakey's “keeker” was
certainly bound for hell.
This story makes clear the way in
these son poems linked directly into
life and politics in the are
of the verses made them important
political weapons in a society
where "the masters" anticipated
as part of their due. This aspect of
Tommy Armstrong's writings was
developed in other directions also.
songs were distributed and sold as
broadsheets, so too were his letters
and other pieces of prose.
At that time it was fortnightly pays,
Miners had to go to the Overman's
or office and he would tell you what
the pay was for you to draw on the
following night. There was a number of
ways in which, through fines and
deductions the infamous ("off-takes")
the miner's wage is cut back. For
example, seven shillings for powder
candles, twopence for the pick
sixpence for house and coal, ninepence
for the doctor, sixpence for water,
ninepence for the weighman, half a
crown you got over much last time, two
shilling for the hospital, two
for picks and shafts and four
for striking at a putter. Obviously
poor coal miner could be quite
literally robbed by unscrupulous
management, there was no appeals
to challenge the’ off takes’. Fines
and "off-takes" were but one part of
the lines of potential conflict which
divided the masters and their miners
the coalfield. The Colliery Houses
owned by the coal owners and their up-
keep was a constant cause of concern.
The houses were slums and the miners
had no other choice but to live in
them, unfortunately the threat of
eviction was used by the coal owners
a great deterrent. In times of strike,
miners and their families were evicted
from these homes, This is the theme of
both Oakey's Strike and the South
Medomsley Strike. Oakey's Strike was
written by Armstrong at the Red Row
public house at Beamish Burn.
Tommy’s song ‘The South Medomsley
Strike’ (held in many folk circles as
the greatest mining song ever
the aim was to put the record
to identify the masters who are to
blame, and to lambast the Candymen
with the aid of the local down-and-
outs, eject the miners and the
from their homes. These are both
powerful songs in which colliery
managers and owners are described as
tyrants and their accomplices
threatened with boiling or hanging. It
is for those Candymen that Armstrong's
most severe wrath is reserved. These
men, local scrap metal dealers, earned
their name through their practice of
giving sweets to children in return
rags. In the North, their reputation
after strikes was lower than that of
the blacklegs.
The songs were written at a critical
time for the Durham miners. Throughout
the nineteenth century they had
struggled to form a trade union. In
1830's and the 1840's unionism was
defeated and union activists like
Hepburn and Jude blacklisted. In the
1850's and 1860's isolated miners like
Ramshaw and Rymer continued in their
attempts to build a trade union
miners in Durham. In 1869 the Durham
Miners Association was formed and this
was recognised by the masters in 1871.
With the recognition of the union went
the removal of the bond. But not the
removal of conflict and injustice. The
strikes in the 1870's were critical
ones which emphasised this fact. The
biggest strike, however, took place in
1892 when the whole of the Durham
coalfield was locked out. In this
strike (which took place in the middle
of a period when miners were
to form a base for national unity) the
Durham miners were alone. Although
received help from collections,
from Northumberland, coal continued to
be produced in Yorkshire and Durham.
The Durham miners were defeated. At
that time Tommy Armstrong was 44 and
the height of his reputation as a song
This wonderful old photograph of
Tanfield with St Margaret's Church in
the background was loaned to us by
Society Committee member Michael
Tindall. His grandfather Jack Irwin is
the Blacksmith shoeing the horse.
His poem on the strike, ‘The Durham
Strike,’ was so to raise funds and
Armstrong appeared on platforms
throughout the county with Patterson,
the General Secretary of the Durham
Miners Association. This song is a
standard mining ballad which recounts
clearly where the blame lies, and the
debt the miners owe to their brothers
in Northumberland. It resonates with
another of Armstrong's standard
verses, ‘The Trimdon Grange
This song, with its evocative opening
lines, "let us not think about
tomorrow lest we disappointed be", was
not written in dialect.
As the Durham Strike was a public
statement of right and wrong, so too
this lament to the dead of the major
colliery explosion at Trimdon Grange
(pictured above) ten years earlier. It
draws attention in a clear way to the
fates which affect coalminers, fates
which were made all too clear on the
coalfield in the nineteenth century.
But in 1851 there had been thirteen
major disasters on the coalfield in
which a total of 525 men had been
killed. In Armstrong's lifetime these
were followed by major disasters at
Seaham, Trimdon, Tudhoe, Usworth,
Ellmore, Fencehouses, Wingate and
Haswell. In 1909, of course, the worst
of them all took place in Stanley,
where 168 men were killed in the
explosion at Burn's Pit in the town.
In his lifetime Armstrong became
clearly identified as the “Pitman's
Poet". Any event of note (charabanc
accident or the opening of a railway)
would have to be recognised with a
verse from the poet. His son recalled
his father saying: "When you're
the 'Pitman's Poet' an looked up to
it, why if a disaster of a strike goes
by without a song from you they
say: 'What's with Tommy Armstrong? Has
someone drove a spigot in him an' let
out all the inspiration?'
As such it is likely that he wrote at
the time of the mine disaster in
Stanley. Perhaps this is one of the
many verses and songs that have been
lost forever. Perhaps too, by this
time, Tommy was past his prime. His
letters to the papers in his later
lack the sparkle of his earlier
writings. At the time of the First
World War he was deeply chauvinist,
writing verse attacking "Dirty Kaiser
Bill' (some signs of this chauvinism
can be seen in earlier verse like, for
example, The Row in the Gutter).
By 1870 Tommy was famous throughout
Stanley area not only as a poet but as
an entertainer too and had formed his
own concert party. Tommy himself was
singer, nor did he ever profess to be,
in fact his musical ability was, to
the least, limited. His greatest asset
as a performer was his razor sharp wit
which, with his gift for improvisation
of verse, ensured that he was never at
a loss for words. With his disguises
and his short, bandy legs he could
reduce an audience to helpless
by the simple process of standing
silently on stage for a minute or two.
He had a family of fourteen and a
considerable appetite for beer, as a
man, and a writer it is clear that the
muse lay in a pint of beer.
While some remember him fondly in old
age, others remember a rather
cantankerous man with bow legs and
sticks. Tommy had his poems printed
sold them at a penny a time in order
pay for his drink and in its turn the
beer often inspired new creations.
With the fame of his concert party
growing Tommy was a busy man but it
well known that he would always find
the time to bring his talents to the
aid of any charitable cause in the
locality. His troupe performed at and
organised innumerable functions to
raise money for victims of misfortune
and pit disaster, for reading rooms
the funds of the struggling miners'
union. His work was committed to
improving the lot of the miner and
displayed a profound class
consciousness, a noticeable faculty
criticism of society. The 1880s
and '90s was a militant period when
membership of the miners' federation
rose dramatically to 200,000. Strikes
and lockouts were frequent and the
pitmen were at last combining to
present a solid front to the coal
owners. Their movement was by no means
revolutionary, nor did it have any
term ideological goals and the
attitude is mirrored in their songs of
the period, wherein they call for the
redress of immediate grievances. These
songs also served a practical purpose
in as much as they also raised money
for the hungry families of strikers
when they were sung in the streets.
In the years to come, to remember
was not to romanticise. Rather it is
see his songs as an enormous personal
achievement whose main strengths lies
in the firm roots they took in the
experiences of the Durham mining
communities. Perhaps it is fitting
he is best 'remembered for the songs
wrote about these people. ‘Funny Names
in Tanfield Pit’ is an ingenious play
on the odd family names represented in
the colliery. In this it resonates
the enormous preoccupation with the
detail of local issues which dominated
Durham mining culture and its sense of
humour. This is clear too in his most
famous song ‘Wor Nanny's a Maisor’
which, in its tale of mishap,
drunkeness and carefree abandon stands
out as a very special Northern song.
Extract from ‘Around Burnopfield’ by
John Uren:
On Saturday 26 August 1911, a loaded
charabanc, known as a Coronation Car,
carrying members of the Consett Co-
operative Choir from Consett to an
annual contest at Prudhoe, crashed
a tree on Medomsley Bank when its
brakes failed. Nine of the choir were
killed instantly and a tenth died
shortly afterwards; many others were
injured. Members of the Burnopfield
Ambulance Brigade, who had been
attending their annual flower show and
sports day in Thompson's field at
Bryan's Leap, got into the shafts of
their horse-drawn ambulance and
manhandled it to Medomsley Bank while
someone fetched a horse.
The Pitman’s Poet Tommy Armstrong paid
tribute to the dead and injured in the
following poem. He didn’t write his
commemorative poems to make money, he
genuinely felt that he had an
obligation to pay tribute in verse.
The Consett Choir Calamity
Scripture tells us very plain
to "Think
not of to-morrow,"
Because our happiness and joys may
quickly turn to sorrow.
How many cases have we known up to the
present time
Where death has called away young men
and women in their prime.
Some we knew that suffered long in
both night and day
And others, in the best of health,
suddenly called away,
When the appointed time has come, to
death we cannot say.
"I'm not prepared to go just yet, call
back some future day.
Death will take no bribery, or one
thing would be sure;
The Rich would live, and Death would
only call upon the poor,
We know there's danger everywhere, no
matter where we go,
Look at the sad calamity - going to
Prudhoe Show.
A happy band of Vocalists from Consett
went away,
To join a Singing Competition which
held that day.
The vehicle which they'd engaged at
Consett did arrive,
The weather was both fine and fair,
pleasant for a drive.
The vehicle with its passengers which
numbered twenty-eight,
Delayed no time at Consett, lest they
should be too late;
A pleasant smile was on each face all
hearty and so gay.
They all joined in with one accord, to
sing while on their way;
They sang with voices loud and sweet,
in praise of God on high.
but little thought that afternoon that
some of them would die.
Death was riding with them, but little
did they know,
That not a one amongst the lot would
see the Prudhoe Show.
When they arrived at Medomsley, five
passengers were there,
Waiting for to join their friends,
their pleasures for to share,
The vehicle stopped and took them in,
they each one took their seat,
They moved away, but never thought of
danger, or the troubles
they would meet.
All went well until they reached a
both steep and long,
On going down it could be seen that
there was something wrong
The vehicle ran much faster than what
it ought to go,
The danger that their lives were in
one of them did know
The driver did his very best, the
vehicle for to guide,
Thinking of the passengers that he had
got inside;
The brake refused to do its work, none
of the company knew,
The driver sat and did his best to
bring them safely through;
There was no chance of jumping
out, 'twas useless for to try,
They had no other chance but sit,
made their end so nigh;
And when he had lost all control -
exhausted as could be
The vehicle and its passengers ran
smash into a tree.
As soon as the disaster, the news was
quickly spread
That twenty-five were injured, and
were lying dead;
The ambulance, and doctors too, were
soon upon the ground
With stimulants and bandages to dress
up each one's wound.
One young man named Pearson, was
injured so that day,
On going to the Infirmary, he died
the way.
We hope those Ten have landed safe
the Home above,
Where all is Happiness, and Peace, and
Everlasting Love.

Never a rich man, Tommy suffered more
and more from want in his declining
years. Concert parties and
entertainments were arranged to assist
him, little enough for a man who had
kept Stanley laughing for fifty years.
He died at Tantobie on 30th August
at the age of seventy-two. A few lines
from his poem 'The Durham Strike' are
engraved on his tombstone:
The miners of Northumberland we shall
for ever praise,
For being so kind in helping us those
tyrannising days;
We thank the other counties too, that
have been doing the same
For every man who reads will know
we are not to blame.
The tombstone was unveiled on 9th
August 1986 by Arthur Scargill,
President of the
National Union of Mineworkers.
The Works of Tommy Armstrong:
The Trimdon Grange Explosion
The Consett Choir Calamity
The Blanchland Murder
The Durham Strike
Oakey’s Keeker
The Ghost Thit’ Anted Bunty
The Cat Pie
The Hedgehog Pie
Sheel Raw Flud
Dorham Jail
Th’ Row I’ Th’ Guuttor
Marla Hill Ducks
Oakey’s Strike
Corry’s Rat
Tanfeeld Lee Silvor Modil Band
Th’ Skeul Bord Man
Sooth Medomsley Strike
Bobby En Bet
Funny Nuaims It Tanfeeld Pit
Th’ Wheelbarrow Man
Th’ Row Between Th’ Cages
Nanny’s A Maisor
Stanla Market
Th’ Borth E Th’ Lad
Th’ Nue Ralewae
Tanfield Brake
The Kaiser And The War
Murder of Mary Donnelly
Old Folks Tea
Reference: ‘Polisses & Candymen’
Edited by Ross Forbes
Published by The Tommy Armstrong
Memorial Trust.
Northumbrian music online. From here
you can access 4,000 songs, tunes,
sound recordings and photographs from
across North East England, bringing
musical heritage of the region alive.
Folk Archive Resource North East is an
online archive of songs, tunes and
sound recordings from Northumbria
created by Gateshead Council, the Sage
Gateshead and the University of
Newcastle upon Tyne. The archive
features a number of original song
books and manuscripts by Tommy
Farne Folk Music |
The following poem was received by
E.Mail. We are pleased to publish it:
Six hundred years of sweat and toil
In that deep and dark abyss
The entrepreneur has spoken
Blown a tasteless goodbye kiss
Two hundred men and boys
Crushed and gassed and drowned
New Hartley, 1862
Beneath that cold, cold ground
At Burradon, 1860
Seventy six were burnt and maimed
They were only slaves and chattels
No need to be ashamed
No sick pay, no such benefit
No mercy from the rich
Like the Irish in the famine
Left to die within that ditch
Families torn asunder
Communities destroyed
Where the hell was the compassion?
The obligations null and void
We will not forget you Thatcher
And your heartless decimation
Your ultimate achievement
A bitter, divided nation
Northern coal helped build this
While the Irish laid the rails
Betrayal comes easier than honour
All that are left are old men’s tales.
Written By John Robinson
Northumberland, UK following the
closure of Ellington Colliery (The Big
A new local book has been published
about Tommy Armstrong – ‘The Pitman
Poet’. The book was launched at the Lamplight Centre, Stanley on Thursday 18th November at 11 o’clock.
The launch was a huge success with a room packed full of people clamouring for a copy, each one signed by the author.
Tommy’s famous songs include such
classics as ‘Dorham Jail’, ‘Nanny’s A
Maisor’ and ‘Trimdon Grange Explosion’.
What makes this book unique is that it
has been written by Tommy’s grandson –
Ray Tilly pictured below.

“Ray was born at Eighton Banks in 1934, he attended Chester-le-Street Grammar School then became a Police Cadet with Durham Constabulary for 18 months. In 1952 he joined the Army and was stationed at Windsor for three years then on leaving the Army, he stayed in the south and joined the Police Service. Ray spent many of his 30 years service in the Criminal Investigation Department and he rose to the rank of Chief Superintendent before retiring from Thames Valley Police in 1985.
He settled in Buckinghamshire, where he still lives, then worked as a Security Consultant until he retired in 2002. Since then, he has been engaged with researching the family history of his wife’s and his own ancestors.”
Ray’s book is an attempt to ‘set the
record straight’ about the life of his
Many things have been written and said
about Tommy, and Ray separates fact
from fiction.
Included in the book are thirty
previously published works by Tommy
and a further sixteen unpublished
Also included are the poems and story
of Tommy’s son – William Hunter
Armstrong – Ray’s father.
The book is published by Newcastle
company Summerhill Books and is priced
£9.99. The book has over 100
For further information contact Andrew
Clark on 07971 859 401
The launch of the book ‘Tommy Armstrong: The Pitman Poet’ by his grandson Ray Tilly, was held at the Lamplight Arts Centre, Stanley on the 18th November 2010 where Ray met Moira Corker who is linked to the Armstrong family. Moira had a number of works by both Tommy and his son William Hunter Armstrong which she kindly gave to Ray. Amongst them are a number which have never been published so Ray has compiled them into a book, with an explanation of how they have been found after all these years. Of particular interest is the fact that it was always thought Tommy must have written about the tragic ‘West Stanley Explosion’ in 1909, when 168 men and boys were killed at Burns Pit but no copy of a poem could ever be found in recent years. Tommy’s poem about that disaster is included in the book.
The book is only available by sending postage stamps to the value of £1.20 and a cheque for £2.50 to ‘The Tommy Armstrong Society’, c/o 10 Rupert Avenue, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP12 3NL.
A memorial plaque has been attached to the gate of the Tanfield Cemetery, a fitting tribute to Tommy.